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A solo beginner, in Lyon

Have you heard of the app called Time hop?

It connects with your Facebook account, for example, and once a week or so, will send you back in time through your old photos. I enjoy it because it reminds me of happy memories, which are usually the only ones I share on Facebook. Today’s Time hop was 20 pictures of my third day in Lyon, 3 years ago. I couldn’t remember that though, I knew it was France but I couldn’t remember the city, so I turned to my journal for the answer. I’ve had a journal since my first solo trip abroad and ever since, try to document as much of my memories as possible. For two reasons really, one, so I can relive that moment, detail by detail. And two, because I have a horrendous memory.

Thanks to my trusty journal I discovered that I was in fact in Lyon. Below is my journal entry of my first few days traveling solo. I had such a range of emotions; I’m glad I haven’t forgotten the beauty of discovering something new.

22:18 hrs

I sit here at the hotel patio. While I write and sip some wine I realize, my hotel is FULL of old people- it’s time to leave.

Today I walked 1/2 of Lyon! Crossing through St. Paul, St. Jean, and St. George. I visited the St. Jean Cathedral, Notre Dame Basilique Fourveir, Bellecour Square, St. George Parc (had a pottery fair going on- lots of great work!), and watched a huge (over 200 people!!) parade through Vieux Lyon.

My feet are exhausted. I spent a lot of my time walking in circles and getting lost, but it’s ok. The only thing that truly bothered me was the loneliness. Having no one to talk too; it sucked. 

I heard people speaking english a few times, which was nice, and spanish too.

The dining hours were confusing. Restaurants close between lunch and dinner, leaving only the bar to satisfy your hunger. I paid 2,80 Euro for water while I dreamt of a true bouchon Lyonnaise dining experience.

After a bit, I walked back up Rue St. Jean and dined at Le Petit Glouton. Saving my bouchon encounter for another day, I ordered Le Salade Gaby with a Jambon et fromage crepe. Typical Lyonnaise salads are gleefully covered in dijon dressing. Didn’t you know? Lyon is quite close to Dijon, France; guess what they make there? Dijon mustard! You’re so smart;) 

After my tasty meal I noticed they overcharged me, so I said something and the waiter fixed it! Heck Ya! Hustlin’ in french.

I tried to go into a bar, like I had been wanting to, and noticed a few foreigners like me that I had seen throughout the day. They were all boys though; I was too scared to join them. Same thing happened in the next few bars. I was too intimidated to go and sit at a bar alone. I passed 3 bars, 2 of which were known to be expat hang outs, so language barriers would have been non-existent.

It’s ok.

It’s hard because I’m very lonely, but it’s ok because it will get better. Tomorrow I will check into a hostel and hopefully meet more people. I’ll tour the second 1/2 of Lyon and see how my spirits are after. 

People watching was in full effect today. The French men are more good-looking than the women, and most have dark hair with blue or green eyes. Everyone is thing or thinner than what I find to be average. The women seemed dressed to impress. They are polished and have hair and make-up done. Also, all the women have small boobies 🙂

I need to practice my french more. People here are very helpful and friendly; I have to remember to tell Llily that. 

The metro was easy 🙂

Feniculars (cable cars) were hot without A/C, but very neat! It was pretty hot today, but the cool breezes made it comfortable.

I’m feeling more optimistic now after writing this; or perhaps it’s the wine?! Je ne c’est pas!

Bon Soir, A demain!


2 thoughts on “A solo beginner, in Lyon”

  1. You know I have never really got to see toot pictures from your travels and I love that I can relive your experience.. Often times we talk about your trips but I never really get to feel what you felt.. I’m loving that you are doing this!! Knowing you I feel like I’m there and I know how hard it is to talk to people… But I think for your next trip three years is a long time to grow and you’ll do great!! Xoxo

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